Dr. Jorge R. Petit is a community psychiatrist and the President and CEO for Coordinated Behavioral Care, Inc. (CBC), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of care for individuals with serious mental illness, chronic health conditions and/or substance use disorders, through a Health Home, an Independent Practice Association (IPA) and an Innovations Hub. CBC is a network of New York City community-based health care organizations, with the shared mission of ensuring and improving the quality of care and access to treatment, housing, employment and other needed health and human services.
He also works with Clinical Services Management, participating on a number of behavioral health consulting projects over the past decade and truly enjoys the professional and collegial interactions among all the team members. The projects are always interesting and challenging and the quality of the work product is high caliber and always actionable.
Prior to joining CBC, he was the Regional Senior Vice President for New York State for Beacon Health Options and before that was the Founder and President of Quality Healthcare Solutions, a consulting firm that provided training and consulting services for healthcare systems including community-based behavioral health agencies, hospital systems, and local and state regulatory entities. He was the former Associate Commissioner for the Division of Mental Hygiene in the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Dr. Petit has been the primary lead on several large-scale grant-funded implementation projects including: Integrated Care Models to Improve Health Outcomes and Reduce Poverty funded by the Robin Hood Foundation; the Depression Care Management in Primary Care funded by Forest Laboratories; the Behavioral Health Care Collaborative (BHCC) funded by NYS OMH and the BHCC expansion grant funded by NYS OASAS.
Dr. Petit sits on the board of Primary Care Development Corporation (PCDC) and Mental Health News Education (MHNE); is a Distinguished Fellow in the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and a member of the Committee on Psychiatric Administration & Leadership in the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry (GAP) as well as many of other organizations.
Dr. Petit is the author of Handbook of Emergency Psychiatry and The Seven Beliefs: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help Latinas Recognize and Overcome Depression and the recipient of the Schiff Community Impact Award from The Jewish Board, the 2017 Greater Good Honoree, Corporate Social Responsibility Award and the 2018 Heritage Healthcare Organizational Leadership Award.